The Jewel Lake Seafood Market Cookbook

by Linette Hogund

Fireside Book, 1988

softcover -  good condition

221 pages - crisp and clean

our price:  $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Alaska Cookbooks
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Alaska Sourdough

by Ruth Allman

Alaska Northwest Books, 1997

used with punch holes through cover and first seven pages (as shown in photo) but still offers good reading copy - no notes or underlining

softcover -  191 pages

our price:   $2.95 plus media mail shipping



Sourdough Jack’s Cookery and Other Things

Featuring Authentic Sourdough Cookery

by Judith & Evan Jones

Fourth Printing, 1972

vintage plastic comb softcover, 96 pages

good condition considering age of book

unique Alaskan and Western recipes and anecdotes  

our price:   $12.95 plus media mail shipping

Sourdough Jack’s Cookery and Other Things

Featuring Authentic Sourdough Cookery

by Judith & Evan Jones

Fourth Printing, 1972

vintage plastic comb softcover, 96 pages

good condition considering age of book

unique Alaskan and Western recipes and anecdotes  

our price: $12.95  plus media mail shipping

The Alaskan Wilderness Cookbook

Over 150 favorite recipes on how to prepare and cook wild game, fish, fowl, and native plants

Alaska Magazine, 1995

Alaska Publishing Properties, Inc.,

softcover, 96  pages

like new condition

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

The Alaskan Camp Cook

How to prepare and cook game birds, moose, bear, fish, venison, caribou, rabbit, shellfish, wild fruit, wild vegetables, sourdough

Trail-tested recipes from the kitchens and campfires of Alaska big game guides

Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, 1986

softcover, 88 pages

like new condition

rare collector’s item

our price:   $19.95 plus media mail shipping

Memoirs of a Galley Slave

Favorite Seafood Recipes

from the Kodiak Fishermen’s Wives

Kodiak, Alaska

Fisherman’s Wives Auxiliary, 1987

sixth printing

vintage plastic comb softcover - 113  pages

good condition - front cover has a crease

collector’s item

our price:   $15.95 plus media mail shipping

The Northern Exposure Cookbook

A Community Cookbook From The Heart of the Alaskan Riviera

by Ellis Weiner

Contemporary Books, 1983

softcover, 176 pages

good condition

our price:   $8.95 plus media mail shipping

Alaska Halibut Recipes

by Cecilia Nibeck

AK Enterprises, 1989

plastic comb softcover -  189 pages

our price:   $11.95 plus media mail shipping

Salmon Recipes From Alaska

by Cecilia G. Nibeck

Anchorage, Alaska, 2001

plastic comb softcover -  191 pages

good condition

our price:   $12.95 plus media mail shipping

Alaska Magazine’s Cabin Cookbook

over 130 favorite North Country recipes that tell how to cook with wild game, fish, fowl, and native plants

Second Edition, 1990

softcover -  64 pages

front cover has a crease

good condition

our price:   $2.95 plus media mail shipping