Alpine Plants
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Appalachian Mountain Club Field Guide to the New England Alpine Summits

by Nancy G. Slack & Allison W. Bell

Appalachian Mountain Club Books, 1995

softcover, 97 pages

like new condition

our price:   $14.95 plus media mail shipping

Land Above The Trees - A Guide to American Alpine Tundra

by Ann H. Zwinger and Beatrice E. Willard

Johnson Books, 1996

softcover, 426 pages

crisp and intact pages

yellow highlighting on some of the pages

our price:   $14.95 plus media mail shipping

Alpines for Your Garden

by Alan Bloom

vintage hardcover - fairly good condition

great color photos

Floraprint USA - 1981

128 pages   

our price:   $3.95 plus media mail shipping

The Complete Book of Alpine Gardening

by Richard Bird & John Kelly

Ward Lock Limited, 1992

hardcover - 239 pages

like new condition

our price:   $14.95 plus media mail shipping

The Alpine Plants of China

Editor in Chief - Zhang Jingwei

Science Press, Beijing, China, 1982

Gordon and Brach, Science Publisher, Inc., New York

vintage hardcover - 134 pages

excellent condition

our price:   $8.95 plus media mail shipping

Mountain Flowers of New England

Appalachian Mountain Club, 1964

vintage softcover - 186 pages

interior pages - good condition

gift inscription on title page

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Alpine Wildflowers- Showy Wildflowers of the Alpine and Subalpine Areas of the Northern Rocky Mountain States

by Dr. Dee Strickler

Flower Press, 1999

softcover - like new condition

112 pages

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Lichens Above Treeline

A Hiker’s Guide to Alpine Zone Lichens of the

Northeastern United States

by Ralph Pope

University Press of New England, 2005

softcover,  70 pages

like new condition

our price:   $11.95 plus media mail shipping

AMC Field Guide to Mountain Flowers

of New England

by Stuart K. Harris

Appalachian Mountain Club, 1977

vintage softcover, 186 pages

good condition

our price:   $7.95 plus media mail shipping

Alpine Flower Designs for Artists and Craftsmen

color plates by Francois Gos

black-and-white plates by Karen Baldauski

Dover Publications, 1980

vintage softcover, 44 pages

good condition

our price:   $6.95 plus media mail shipping

Alpine Plant Life

Functional Plant Ecology of High Mountain


Second Edition

with 218 figures, 4 color plates, and 47 tables

by Christian Korner

Springer, 2003

hardcover, 350 pages

like new condition

our price:   $54.95 plus media mail shipping

A Photographic Guide to Alpine Plants of New Zealand

by Lawrie Metcalf

New Holland Publsihers, 2006

softcover, 135 pages

good condition

our price:   $15.95 plus media mail shipping