Best Hikes with Kids - Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine

by Cynthia Copeland, Thomas J. Lewis, Emily Kerr

The Mountaineers Books, 2007

good condition

softcover, 288 pages

our price:   $7.95 plus media mail shipping

Hiking - Vermont

50 Hikes in Vermont

Walks, Hikes, and Overnights in the Green Mountain State - Fifth Edition

by Bob Lindemann and Mary Deatt for the

Green Mountain Club

Backcountry Publications, 1997

softcover- good condition
208 pages - crisp and clean

our price:  $6.95 plus media mail shipping

Best Hikes With Children in Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine

by Cynthia C. Lewis and Thomas J. Lewis

The Mountaineers, 1991

softcover,  good condition, 258 pages

cover has some creases

our price:   $3.95  plus media mail shipping

Best Hikes With Children in Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine

by Cynthia C. Lewis and Thomas J. Lewis

The Mountaineers, 1991

softcover,  good condition, 258 pages

cover has some creases

our price:   $3.95  plus media mail shipping

Guide Book of the Long Trail

Green Mountain Club

The Long Trail - Vermont

23rd edition, fourth printing, 1990

softcover,  good condition, 176 pages

maps attached inside front and back covers

our price:   $8.50  plus media mail shipping