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Listening to the Experts - Students with Disabilities Speak Out

Elizabeth B. Keefe, Veronica M. Moore, Frances R. Duff

softcover, 218 pages

good condition

Paul H. Brookes Publishing, 2006

no markings on interior pages - good reading copy

our price:   $6.95 plus media mail shipping

3 Steps to Conquering ADD-ADHD - 6th Edition

by Jon Bennett

Attention Deficit Disorder Research Institute

softcover -  110 pages

good condition

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping

The Doctors 5 Minute Health Fixes

by The Doctors with Mariska van Aalst

Rodale, 2010

hardcover, 334 pages

new book - wrinkled due to moisture

exposure - still excellent reading copy

our price:   $2.50 plus media mail shipping

The Autism Checklist - A Practical Reference

for Parents and Teachers

by Paula Kluth, Ph.D.

Jossey-Bass, 2009

softcover, 240 pages

like new book

our price:   $7.95 plus media mail shipping

The Healing Consciousness

A Doctor’s Journey to Healing

by Beth Baughman DuPree, M.D.

Woven Word Press, 2006

softcover, 312 pages

good condition

our price:   $7.95 plus media mail shipping